Constellations of Colour - Queen of the Queen of Gemstones, the EMPRESS of Precious Stones.
In 2008 in the high arid mountains of Wollo (Welo) province of Ethiopia a "new" volcanic origin Opal CT (Cristobalite-Tridymite) was discovered. The finest examples of this gemstone are called IMPERIAL OPAL and may be faceted as well as cut in the usual cabochon. They are easily the most rare and most beautiful of precious stones known. Pliny the ancient Roman once called Opal the Queen of gems: Imperial Opal is thus the Empress of Precious Stones. J.D.Sage (Troubadour)
Photography & Comments by Gemologist Gregory Kratch to the Lapidary Journal Editors 2013
For nearly a decade now, the new find of opal in Ethiopia has been both welcomed and debated on issues of stability and high water content. Some of the material can be quite beautiful and with the quantity that is now available, we need to understand how to handle it better.
The recent discoveries of opal in Ethiopia, and in particular
the finds at Wegel Tena in 2008 have had a
profound effect on the world opal market. Opal is now
more popular than ever. With its astounding brightness,
remarkable new patterns, and unusual physical properties,
this opal is quite different than the Australian opal
which has been the market standard until now. Unlike
the most Australian opal that comes from sedimentary
deposits, the new opal from Ethiopia is mainly formed in
a volcanic environment. Ethiopian opal is classified as
opal-CT. This type of opal is composed of lepisheres or
small balls of crystals of quartz group crystals, tridymite
and cristobalite, which are polymorphs of SiO2, produced
under high temperature and pressure. Australian
opal is classified as amorphous
Ethiopian opal from Wegel
Tena is a hydrophane, but very
different from the hydrophane
opal of Australia. Hydrophane
opal is porous, and can absorb
water. When Australian hydrophane
opal is soaked in water, it
will absorb some and show a
play of color (often spectacular)
that slowly dims or disappears
when the stone is removed from
the water and dries out. Because
Australian hydrophanes only
show their best play of color
when wet, they are therefore not suitable for jewelry.
However, the Ethiopian hydrophane opals show their
best play of color when dry, becoming more transparent
and less colorful when immersed in water. Once
removed from the water, they will at first become very
cloudy to opaque, and then gradually return to their original
state over a period of a few hours to several days as
they dry out. Stones should not be heated or treated
chemically to speed up this process. This capacity to absorb water and release it with no damage to the stone
is remarkable. Specimens I have tested have varied
widely in their ability to absorb water with stones ranging
from 4% to 15%, based on the dry weight. A gain of
20% was reported by one dealer. Therefore, I recommend
that all opal be correctly identified at the time of
sale so that the owner may properly care for it, and keep
it at its best and most beautiful. The CT hydrophane
opals are very different in many unique ways from what
we have predominately seen in the world market to date
and must be cared for accordingly.
Fig. 1. These two opal rough specimens are from Wollo. While the rough on the left is
spectacular for the pattern and spectrum, the rough on the right shows another side to the
field's potential—natural dark opal form Wollo.Courtesy of Francesco Mazzero/Opalinda.
Stability is always a concern with any opal, especially
with new sources if they have little history. Although
Wegel Tena seemed to offer a new supply of stable opal, there have been incidents of instability, cracking and
crazing. It is imperative to remember however, that all
opal fields produce opal that is unstable. Hungary,
Australia, Mexico and Brazil have all produced their fair
share of unstable material, some of which unfortunately
entered the market. Ethiopia is a whole new frontier. We
will be better able to predict its stability, as we explore
and discover this new source of gem opal. I have found
that once stones were cut, very few have developed any problem. Similar experiences are shared by other experienced
cutters. As the opal industry grows in Ethiopia, I
am sure it will develop the same checks and balances
within the industry itself of reputable miners, dealers
and cutters that hopefully will help keep unsuitable
material out of the trade. No one wants to sell bad opal;
it is not good for your reputation or the industry. It would
be prudent to buy from people who have a longstanding
reputation with opal in the current market and who you
can easily contact if any unexpected problems develop
with your stone. Some
dealers may even offer
time limited guarantees of
up to six months for unset
stones. Discuss any concerns
you may have with
your vendor at the time of
purchase. Everyone wants
a happy customer.
This new opal from
Wegel Tena is also exhibiting
some characteristics
that are quite different and
unique. Rondeau et. al.
published a detailed study
of Wegel Tena opal in
Gems and Gemology Summer 2010. Cut opals from
Mezzezo, Ethiopia and Australia (including a piece of
boulder opal) as well as Wegel Tena were dropped on a
concrete surface from a height of 1.5 meters. The stones
from Wegel Tena showed no damage even under the
microscope. All the other samples showed breakage. Its
unusual durability makes it a great candidate for
faceting, creating stones with kaleidoscopic constellations of color, a whole new avenue to explore. In a different
experiment by Stone Group Laboratories, selected
material from Wegel Tena was subjected to smoke treatment
to darken the stones, with an astonishing survival
rate of 90% despite the high heat and extreme dryness.
The physical structure and hydrophanous nature of the
treated stones, among other things, differentiate them
from natural black Australian opal. Although they are
attractive, they can never rival the finest blacks of
Lightning Ridge.
This remarkable new opal, is quite unlike the
others in many ways. It should be treated, handled
and stored differently as well. I am sure that these
new fields of opal in Ethiopia have many wonderful
surprises in store, and we should welcome
this new imperial addition to the court of the queen of
gem; opal. “…which contains the fire of the carbuncle, the glorious
purple of amethyst, and the sea green of emerald all shining together in
incredible union.”
Historia Naturalis, Vol 37.
Pliny, 23-79 AD
Gregory Kratch is a miner, gemologist, lapidarist, opal
expert and cutter, and a frequent lecturer at the Ecole
de Gemmologie de Montreal.
*J.D.Sage (Troubadour) song "What About Me?" Please follow these links to learn more about J.D.SAGE and hear his music and lyrics. "What About Me?" Video (Preview), http://www.cdbaby.ca, http://www.itunes.com, http://www.amazon.com, www.jdsage.com, Video Promotion and also "Internet Highway Cruising Song" Video